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  • telford3amz

The One Where I Blog About Crohns

I was diagnosed with crohn’s disease back in 2012 I had my first surgery in that same year it was a successful surgery they removed a large part of my bowel which was affected by the disease and also my appendix as the bowel had fistulated onto it the surgery could only be done openly as such a significant part of me was diseased but I was lucky as I did not require a bag

In 2017 I suffered a massive flare up of my Crohn’s and within 2 months of the flare I was placed in an induced coma due to a bad reaction with Humira I have since recovered from this but have had occasional flares since which have required extensive treatment

Living with this disease is hard everyday is a constant battle with or without a flare

I am constantly fatigued

I always have to know were the nearest toilet is

I have to avoid certain types of food (popcorn is my nemesis)

The pain I get can be extremely intense i often feel like theres a tractor churning my insides

I also have other problems associated with the disease I get awful joint pain, the steroids have given me moon face and have caused me to have problems with my liver, I get really nasty mouth ulcers and my body heals at a really slow rate .

Through some of my worse crohn’s moments I have wrote poems which help me to process what is going on inside me.

I sit calmly then make a race
To what has become my throne
I have to to postpone
Plans that had once grown
The pain that it gives me is deep 
Twisting and cramping is real
Sometimes it is overwhelming 
And causes a hospital stay
Its toxic air i cannot hide
A constant reminder
My crohns is never sleeping
Fatigue its a constant battle 
Coffee-is it a risk worth taking?
Planning ahead is always advised
Toilet seeking in disguise
Steroids they make me bloated 
Liquid diet i will promote it
It reduces the inflammation 
In a positive less risky way
Flares they may happen often
Or maybe far in-between 
Just watch for the subtle signs
And catch it before you fall on your knees 
These steroids they make me hungry
My heart races
Faster than a race horse
I shake and feel so desperate
The cold sweats they happen quite often
Clammy like a clam
Tiredness is does prevail me
Weakness it has no place
My mind it feels is now active
Wondering if penguins have knees
Sleep it is overrated
Thoughts swimming round and round
Steroid munchies are happening
Eating I just cant stop
Moon face will soon develop
Crohns still defies

Pain in my stomach is daily
Blood in my poo quiet often
Frequent loo visitor
Looking ghostly 

This year i am raising money for a charity that has helped me and has provided me with such valuable support throughout my diagnosis and treatment in July i will walk 10K for

I am aiming to raise £150.00 to Better last years amount of £130.00 please feel free to donate to my Just Giving Page

I will continue to fight this disease and raise money for such a vital charity that has helped so many people through their diagnosis and recovery .

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